Tilth Campus Grounds

South Whidbey Tilth is located in the traditional territory of the Lower Skagit, Swinomish, Suqamish and Snohomish tribes.

It is our wish to honor the land and the people that have been the stewards of this land long before us.

The South Whidbey Tilth 11-acre Campus is open to the public for walking and viewing our ongoing projects.

The Tilth market area is open for picnicking and playing even when there is no market.

The lower five acres contains our gardens and market area.

The upper 6 acres is a designated nature conservancy.

Dog walkers—please help keep Tilth dog-friendly and keep your pup on a leash. Clean-up bags are available in the recycling area by the restrooms. Use the trash can there.

We depend on volunteers to maintain the public areas.

The Tilth Campus May Be the Place for Your Events or Classes

You can use Tilth campus for your own events. The campus areas are typically available during non-market times, seven days a week.

To make arrangements, please contact the Community Relations Committee.

For more information, see the Tilth Campus Space Use Agreement.