South Whidbey Tilth Governing Council

South Whidbey Tilth is governed by an eight-member, volunteer Council of Trustees. The council guides the development and funding of our projects, sets the focus for our mostly volunteer workforce and explores how to further our mission to promote regenerative and equitable agriculture.

2024 Council Members

  • Anza Muenchow


  • Sharon Asplund



  • Gary Ingram


  • Jean Stark

    Land Steward

  • Trish Coffey


  • Janet Richards


  • Prescott

    Membership, Community Relations and Development

  • Paula Richards

    Vice President

How the Council Works

The council meets monthly via Zoom, usually on the third Tuesday of the month from 6 to 8 p.m. Council Meetings are open to all Tilth members.

An Annual Meeting of all members is organized each January. At this meeting, new council members are elected. Each council position is a 2-year term. Elections are staggered so that 4 positions are elected each year.

Feel free to contact council members at any time. We welcome your input!

The South Whidbey Tilth Association By-Laws

Council Meeting and Annual Meeting Minutes

Our monthly Council Meetings and our Annual Meeting in January are recorded by our secretary and approved by the Council. If you are a current member and would like to review meeting minutes, you can request a copy by contacting

Our Five Year Plan 2025 to 2029

The plan is to focus us in accomplishing these goals:

1.  Build, maintain, and demonstrate large and small-scale bulk composting, and vermicomposting capabilities in production facilities on-site in the community garden

-champion Don Krafft

2. Create a family and children’s garden around the cob playhouse with a hands-on organic gardening program during farmers markets to include guided tending and education.

-champions Jean Stark and Janet Richards 

3. Accomplish the planning phase for a weather-protected educational and multipurpose community space on campus. Propose solutions, and early design.

-champion Paula Richards

4. Community Outreach - engage in more organizations to increase community excitement, Tilth’s visibility and volunteers.

-champions Prescott, Paula Richards, Janet Richards, Anza Muenchow

5. Define the role of the kitchen at Tilth and align septic compliance 

-champions Gary Ingram, Randy Weisz, Jean Stark

6. Explore produce suppliers, management techniques and new equipment, then implement to create a successful farm stand.

-champions Prescott, Paula Richards, Janet Richards

Five Year Plan 2020 to 2024

  1. Caring for the Tilth land and infrastructure

  2. Inspiring good agricultural practices and local resilience through increased educational offerings

  3. Completing our farm stand to further support our growers by adding a cold storage facility (note: carried forward)

  4. Renovating the Tilth campus entrance, kitchen and classroom, providing a clean and reliable place for all

  5. Ensuring the Farmers Market continues to offer a community gathering space and venue

The association is organized exclusively for educational and scientific purposes under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

South Whidbey Tilth Association is a nonprofit corporation, our tax ID is 91-1456495.