What is Washington State’s CLIMATE COMMITMENT ACT and why are some trying to repeal it with I-2117?
Whidbey Climate ACTION’s September ISLAND CONVERSATIONS will focus on this landmark legislation(2021), designed to to minimize climate change, reduce global warming emissions by making polluters pay, and support crucial public services like ferries and transportation infrastructure, eco-system restoration, cleaner air and water, fire prevention and protection, advanced forestry and coastal practices and more.
Join us to learn more and discuss how important the Climate Commitment Act is to our Island, our state and our future, and share your ideas and strategies for ensuring that it is preserved and fully implemented.
DAVE ANDERSON brings his keen perspective as a lifelong Northwesterner and 5 decades on Whidbey.
He’s been a sports fisherman, a veterinarian, and a member of the Washington St. Legislature with service on the Agriculture and Ecology and Natural Resources committees. He spent years on the Oil Spill Prevention Task Force, the Northwest Straits Commission and many other ecology and environment-focused bodies, including the Orca Network. Dave knows what’s going on, and his presentation will help us understand how important the Climate Commitment Act is.