At the annual meeting, Tilth members will vote to elect five new council members. Here are the nominations to the council for our open positions in 2024:
Position 1 - Gary Ingram, President
Position 2 - Paula Richards, Vice President
Position 4 - Daria Martel, Secretary
Position 6 - Anza Muenchow, Education chair
Position 8 - Janet Richards, Market chair, (one-year term)
For information, the following council members will be completing the second year of their terms in 2024:
Position 3 - Edward Hueneke, Finance chair and treasurer
Position 5 - Prescott, Membership, Community Relations and Development
Position 7 - Don Krafft, Land Stewardship chair
We welcome volunteers to join a committee to help and learn.
If you would like to vote and cannot make the meeting, email or leave a message at 360-321-0757.