Upcoming Events
Business Meeting Is Changed
The December Business meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 5:30 p.m. Normally it is on the third Tuesday. It will be via Zoom from 6 to 8 p.m. Please contact President Gary Ingram for the meeting link. To submit agenda items contact Secretary Daria Martel. Every member in good standing is entitled to participate and vote in regular business meetings. Bylaws are here.
Business Meeting Is Changed (Copy)
The December Business meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 5:30 p.m. Normally it is on the third Tuesday. It will be via Zoom from 6 to 8 p.m. Please contact President Gary Ingram for the meeting link. To submit agenda items contact Secretary Daria Martel. Every member in good standing is entitled to participate and vote in regular business meetings. Bylaws are here.
Business Meeting Is Wednesday
The October Business meeting is scheduled for WEDNESDAY October 18. Normally it is on a Tuesday. It will be via Zoom from 6 to 8 p.m. Please contact President Gary Ingram for the meeting link. To submit agenda items contact Secretary Daria Martel. Every member in good standing is entitled to participate and vote in regular business meetings. Bylaws are here.
PRI Event: Fruit Tree and Vine Pruning
Classroom instruction and Q/A. followed by field lab.
- Tools and sharpening
- Science-based pruning, training, and care of fruit trees and vines for reliable production
PRI Event: Fruit Tree Selection and Care
High quality apples, Asian and European pears, peaches, plums, figs, grapes and many other fruits can be grown on Whidbey Island.